+7 (499) 147-54-54, +7 (499) 143-12-35
119285, Moscow, 6А Vorobiyovskoye Highway
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Russian Foreign Trade Academy
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Scientific work

The Russian Foreign Trade Academy is actively involved in fundamental and applied research in the field oriented areas. Both leading experts of the Academy, such as Prof. S.Sinelnikov-Murilev (Ph.D., Econ.), Prof. S.Dolgov (Ph.D. Econ.), Prof. I.Dumoulin (Ph.D. Econ.), Prof. V.Korolev (Ph.D. Econ.), Prof. A.Spartak (Ph.D. Econ.), Prof. V.Supian (Ph.D. Econ.), Prof. A.Komarov (Doctor of Law), Prof. V.Shumilov (Doctor of Law), Prof. L.Sabelnikov (Ph.D. Econ.), etc. and young scientists carry out scientific research.

The main customers of the Academy are ministries and agencies of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Economic Development of the RF, Ministry of Finance of Russia, National Audit Office, the Federal Tax Service of Russia, etc.), Eurasian Economic Commission. The Academy conducts joint research with international organizations, including the OECD, provides expert support on trade and economic issues of Russia's participation in APEC, G20, BRICS, SCO, develops joint projects with the world's leading universities and research centers, including World Trade Institute (Berne), Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, University of Barcelona, and others.
The RFTA is a leading research center of Russia in the area of world economy and foreign trade. The Academy conducts research in the following areas:
- WTO: implications of accession (discharge of engagements, prospects), WTO development - Bali and post-Bali package;
- Customs Union and Common Economic Area, Eurasian Economic Union, development of cooperation with CIS countries;
- foreign trade and commodity flow simulation, forecasting
- analysis of the prospects of Trade System integration; Common Economic Space with other countries, as a part of development of free-trade zones;
- public administration system in foreign economic activity (trade representations, 'Development of Foreign Trade’ State Program), export promotion;
- regional studies: Partnership for Modernization with the European Union, Asia-Pacific region, cooperation with the countries of Africa and the Middle East;
- promotion of Russia's interests in a variety of formats of multilateral cooperation: APEC, East Asia Summit, G20 and G8, BRICS, OECD, etc.;
- new regulations, the effective legal practices and their correlation with international standards in various fields of foreign trade.

The results of the Academy staff research work are regularly published in the leading Russian and foreign journals. Over the past five years the Academy staff published more than 1,000 articles and monographs in Russian and foreign scientific journals. RFTA employees are at the top of Russian scientist citing rankings in the core areas.
The Russian Academy of Foreign Trade is not only educational and scientific institution, but it is also one of the leading centers of expertise in Russia. The Academy staff have extensive experience of expert work in groups and expert boards with the highest government authorities. Because of unique combination of theoretical and applied research methods, extensive practical experience of the specialists, the RFTA has been actively involved in scientific support of state policy in foreign trade. The experts of the RFTA participated in the development of the policy documents of Russian foreign trade activities, such as:
• Creation and development of a comprehensive system of export support in the Russian Federation;
• Development of the concept of a "new look" of Russian trade missions abroad;
• Medium- and long-term forecast of the RF foreign trade development;
• Working-out of the state program of Foreign Economic Activity Development;
• Participation in development and updating of ‘Strategy 2020’.
The Academy gives special attention to building human resource capacity, strengthening scientific competencies of not only faculty and staff, but also of students and postgraduates. In addition to participation of undergraduate and graduate students in scientific work the Academy regularly holds student scientific conferences, organizes the work of scientific circles.


6A Vorobiyovskoye Highway
Moscow, Russian Federation, 119285


+7 (499) 143-12-35

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