+7 (499) 147-54-54, +7 (499) 143-12-35
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Russian Foreign Trade Academy
Home About Academy International cooperation

International cooperation

Collaboration in the field of international relations is an important component of the Academy's activities, aimed at enhancing its image in the Russian Federation and abroad, as well as expanding and strengthening cooperation in education and scientific research with leading universities and educational centers around the world.

More than half a century ago, RFTA of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia began educating foreign students when three students from Bulgaria came to study at the Academy. Over many years, the Academy has educated citizens from the CIS and foreign countries, including the United Kingdom, France, Bulgaria, Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Spain, Italy, Bangladesh, Cuba, China, Vietnam, Mongolia, and others.

Currently, RFTA of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia collaborates with more than 20 scientific and educational partner organizations from China, Mexico, Vietnam, India, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia, and other countries. Additionally, the Academy is a member of the Eurasian Network University (ENU) and the Russian-Chinese Association of Economic Universities (RCAEU).

As part of its collaboration with foreign partners, the Academy regularly hosts events with the participation of foreign guests, representatives of diplomatic and trade organizations from foreign countries accredited in the Russian Federation. The Academy often holds international scientific conferences. Furthermore, RFTA of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia regularly hosts events dedicated to different countries, featuring lectures by invited speakers and experts in foreign economic activity, art exhibitions, and workshops for students and teachers.

The Academy has over 90 Russian and international corporate partners where students can undergo internships and training.

The Academy is developing international academic cooperation. Each year, the number of the Academy’s partners increases.

Under the cooperation agreements with foreign partner universities, students of the Academy have the opportunity to study for one or two semesters under academic exchange programs, and foreign students can come to study at RFTA of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia. Additionally, the Academy implements a dual degree bachelor's program with Beijing Union University (China), as part of which students study at the Chinese university for two years.

RFTA of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia is keen to develop cooperation with representatives of foreign scientific and academic communities, universities, and public organizations. The Academy is open to new partnerships, joint programs, and educational projects.


6A Vorobiyovskoye Highway
Moscow, Russian Federation, 119285


+7 (499) 143-12-35

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International cooperation

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