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Home Study Foreign Language Training

Foreign Language Training

Foreign Language Training

Foreign language training is an integral part and one of the most important components of the curricula of the Russian Foreign Trade Academy. The number of credits in foreign language is very close to the one in linguistic specializations in other institutions of higher education.

Foreign language training programs of the Academy fully meet educational standards, however they are unique. On the one hand they are tailor-made, i.e. they are developed with consideration of the students’ proficiency level in foreign languages. On the other hand, the programs demonstrate reasonable correlation between the two blocks: general and business language. And what is more important, in addition to development of the main skills – listening, speaking, reading and writing, we help students to develop important professional skills: our students learn business correspondence, telephone negotiations, making presentations, drawing up contracts in foreign language

Bachelor’s Programs provide for compulsory learning of two foreign languages, learning of the third foreign language is optional and depends on student’s plans and desire. Students are offered English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Arabic, Chinese languages.

For student training in foreign languages we use the latest Russian and foreign teaching materials, as well as textbooks written by the professors of the Academy, that consider the specificity of the professional training in the Academy. Today our students can use more than 200 textbooks and brochures prepared and edited by the RFTA which can be downloaded from the e-library of the Academy.

To perfect foreign language skills active methods of learning are applied, such as case studies, conferences, round tables, simulation exercises, etc. The materials of intercollegiate conferences are regularly published in annual journals.
In the course of training our students also get accustomed to work with original audio/video sources: radio stations and TV channels in foreign languages, the Internet resources. They allow our students to immerse in the target language environment, to feel free and confident during discussions and negotiations, communicating with both business partners and foreign friends.

To develop knowledge of the country(ies) where the target language is used, of its/their history, culture, traditions, the students are offered books and feature films for reading and viewing which is also a part of foreign language curricula.

We do not forget about the extracurricular work as well. Students participate in thematic events, amateur concerts in foreign language; in annual intercollegiate conferences in French, Spanish and German language, in linguistic Olympiads.

Foreign Language Departments of the Academy work in cooperation with public organizations of foreign countries operating in Moscow and abroad: Chamber of Commerce of Paris, Moscow Cervantes Institute, Carl Duisberg Center in Moscow, INTAMT Academy in Dusseldorf. Our partners organize summer language courses and trainings for our students and send them to study at the universities of their choice.

Teaching staff of foreign language departments is a special pride of the Academy. Along with those teachers who were among the founders of the departments and whose teaching experience is calculated by decades we employ young talented teachers who learn from their senior colleagues and bring fresh ideas in the educational process. Many of our teachers have Certificates of Appreciation and Letters of Recognition issued by the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Economic Development. Many of our teachers are holders of Certificates issued by western universities, by British Council, Chamber of Commerce of Paris, German Cultural Center named after Goethe.

The Academy has six academic departments of foreign languages:

English Language Academic Department with International Economists’ and International Finance Departments

English Language Academic Department with International Law Department

English Language Academic Department for International Business

Academic Department of Romance Languages

Academic Department of German Language

Academic Department of Oriental Languages

The work of all departments is characterized by a variety of directions and forms of language training.

Their purpose is: Training professionals in the area of foreign economic activity, foreign trade management and international law demonstrating fluency in foreign languages.

In addition to learning foreign languages as a part of the basic curricula of undergraduate and graduate studies, the RFTA offers a wide range of additional language programs for different age groups.


6A Vorobiyovskoye Highway
Moscow, Russian Federation, 119285


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