+7 (499) 147-54-54, +7 (499) 143-12-35
119285, Moscow, 6А Vorobiyovskoye Highway
Русская версия Ru
Russian Foreign Trade Academy
Home About Academy Research and Innovations

Research and Innovations

The Russian Foreign Trade Academy is actively involved in research on the world economy, global financial and commodity markets, international trade. The research activities of the Academy are carried out by the leading specialists of the Academy (prof. Sinelnikov - Murylev S.G., prof. Dolgov S.I., Ph.D., prof. Dumoulin I.I., prof. Korolev V.I., prof. Spartak A.N, PhD, Doctor of Economics, prof. Supian V.B., Doctor of Law, Professor Komarov A.S., Doctor of Law, Professor Shumilov V.M., prof. Sabel'nikov L.V. et al.), and young researchers.

The research in the Academy includes work in the following areas:

• multilateral trading system: WTO, Russia's accession obligations, long-term implications for Russian trade policy, post-Bali package;

• regional economic integration: the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space, the Eurasian Economic Union, the development of cooperation with the CIS and other countries;

• government policy in international trade and international economic cooperation, export support and promotion;

• regional studies: European Union, Asia-Pacific region, cooperation with the countries of Africa and the Middle East, North, Central and Latin America;

• trade models, forecasting;

• support for Russia's government in international organizations and forums: APEC, East Asia Summits, G20 and G8, BRICS and others.

The Academy works in close cooperation with the Ministry for Economic Development of Russia, other federal agencies, the Eurasian Economic Commission, Russian and international thinktanks.


6A Vorobiyovskoye Highway
Moscow, Russian Federation, 119285


+7 (499) 143-12-35

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