+7 (499) 147-54-54, +7 (499) 143-12-35
119285, Moscow, 6А Vorobiyovskoye Highway
Русская версия Ru
Russian Foreign Trade Academy


Academic activity at the Academy is organized in accordance with basic educational programs, programs of continuing professional education and training programs for scientific and teaching staff in accordance with the Federal State educational standards and the regulatory framework of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RF and of the Ministry of Economic Development of the RF. The Academy has developed a system of continuous professional training. The Academy offers Bachelor Degree programs, specialist programs and Master Degree programs, as well as programs for training scientific and teaching staff for the areas/programs which are highly demanded and popular in the labor market.

Five departments (faculties) of the Academy prepare highly qualified professionals in the areas as follows: International Economy, Foreign Trade Management, International Law, International Finance, continuing professional education. 19 sub-departments are involved in academic process, 6 foreign language sub-departments provide training in English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese and Arabic languages, applying unique methods. Graduates of the Academy get Bachelor or Master Degree and certificate confirming professional knowledge of foreign language(s).

Academic staff actively applies interactive forms and methods at lectures, workshops and practical training lessons: role-playing, case studies, solving practical problems of present day Russian reality. To develop students’ professional competencies, skills and independence most sub-departments of the Academy organize discussions, allowing to educate and control students as well as to develop their creativity. Students of the Academy have a unique opportunity to add a Minor of Translator for professional communication to their Major.

As a part of educational process the Academy runs a Legal Aid Bureau aimed at provision of free legal advice to general public and development of students’ practical skills and acquisition of necessary experience in legal advising and drafting legal documents.

State-of-the-art telecommunication equipment and modern technologies, developed in the Academy, allow to organize distance learning for individual students and groups.


6A Vorobiyovskoye Highway
Moscow, Russian Federation, 119285


+7 (499) 143-12-35

ВК Rutube

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+7 (499) 143-12-35

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+7 (499) 147-54-54

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