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Russian Foreign Trade Academy

Summer School program

RFTA Summer School 2018, 4-8 May Page 3

RFTA Summer School
« International Business Law in Russia.
International commercial arbitration.»
2018, May, 4-8
(2 credits)

Summer School program
1st day
May, 4th

9.30 am - 10.00 am. Registration
10.00 am - 10.30 am. Summer School opening. The introduction of the participants.
10.30 am - 12.00 pm. Master-class «Plaintiff witness: direct and cross examination» (associate professors of the department of procedural law of the RFTA Oleg Volchenko, PhD, Denis Primakov, PhD)
12.20 pm - 2.00 pm. Training in small groups work «Defendant witness: direct and cross examination».
2.30 pm - 3.30 pm. Lunch
3.30 pm- 5.00 pm. Interactive lecture: «Arbitration clause and arbitration: what does it mean?» (Professor Nina Vilkova, Dr in Law)
5.30 pm - 6.30 pm. Presentation: «How to work out case’s theory? » (Georgy Patiulin, associate professors of the department of the state and law theory and history of the RFTA)
6.30 pm- 7.30 pm. Small groups work: Drafting the case theme, the case theory and its argumentation ideas.

2nd day
May, 5th

10.00 am - 11.30 am. Training in small groups: Drafting the case theme, the case theory and its argumentation ideas.
11.50 am - 1.20 pm. «Vienna 1980 Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods: Liability» (Professor Nina Vilkova, Dr in Law)
1.20 pm - 2.20 pm. Master-class: «Argumentation of your case theory» (Irina Lukianova, PhD, Chief or the Procedural Law Department)
2.20 pm - 3.20 pm. Lunch
3.20 pm - 4.20 pm. Master-class: How to draft the memorandum for the arbitration?
4.30 pm - 5.30 pm. Lecture: «Procedural Soft Law in international arbitration» (Andrey Gorlenko, General director of the Institute of Modern Arbitration)
5.45pm - 6.45 pm. Small groups work. Plaintiff’s/Defendant’s argumentation list.

3rd day
May, 6th

10.00 am - 11.00 am. Meeting with the arbitrators of the Rosenberg’s moot court: «Typical errors in a memorandum to the Rosenberg moot court».
11.10 am - 1.00 pm. Training in small groups :«Drafting a memorandum».
1.00 pm – 2.00 - Lunch
2.00 pm - 4.00 pm. Master-class «Persuasive statements in arbitration» (Irina Lukianova, Oleg Volchenko)
4.20 pm - 5.50 pm. Training in small groups: Argumentation for your case.
6.00 pm - 7.00 pm. Small groups work: Argumentation for your case.

4th day
May, 7th

10.00 am –11.30 am – Lecture: “New rules of the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the RF CCI” (Prof. Dr. I.S. Zykin)
11.40 am- 1.10 pm – Lecture: «Persuasive statements in arbitration» Prof. A.V. Grebelskiy
1.10 pm-2.10 pm – Round table « Moot court as a step up to the lawyer’s career».

2.10 pm -3.00 pm Lunch
3.00 pm -4.30 pm – Training in small groups: «Preparation for Arbitration hearings».
4.30 pm -6.30 pm - Small groups work: «Preparation for presentation in Arbitration hearings».

5th day
May, 8th

10.00 am -11.00 am – Small groups work: Preparation for the statement in arbitration hearings.
11.00 am – 12.30 pm Small groups’ presentation: «The Persuasive Statement in pleadings»
12.30 pm -1.30 pm – Comments on small groups’ presentations
1.40 pm -2.40 pm - Summarizing the results of the Summer school. Closing Ceremony.


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Moscow, Russian Federation, 119285


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