Date of the publication: 23.12.2024
5-8 ноября в ВАВТ состоялась Международная научная конференция «VII Ефимовские чтения: БРИКС в глобальном и региональном развитии: экономика, торговля, качество жизни»
Date of the publication: 10/15/2019
On October 10, 2019, the Institute of Macroeconomic Research of the -Russian Foreign Trade Academy of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia held the second Efimov readings on the topic: “Structural challenges of the Russian economy
Date of the publication: 09/27/2019
5th Annual International Student Conference “Russia-Mexico Forum: Regional Development, International Trade and Logistics” was held at the Russian Foreign Trade Academy of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.
Date of the publication: 06/26/2019
On June 24, 2019, the Academic Department of English Language of the Russian Foreign Trade Academy held the second inter-university conference "Actual Issues of Teaching Foreign Languages in Non-Linguistic Universities"
Date of the publication: 05/22/2019
On May 16, 2019, the 2nd International Scientific Conference of Students and Postgraduates “Modern Problems of Foreign Economic Activity Management” was held. It was organized by the Academic Department of Foreign Trade Management of the Russian Foreign Trade Academy of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia
Date of the publication: 04/26/2019
On April 19, 2019, the Academy hosted an Inter-University Law Conference in French on “Protection of personal data, intellectual and digital property” . The professors noted very interesting presentations, students' high proficiency in French and motivation. Good job!
Date of the publication: 02/26/2019
On February 17 - 19, 2019, Lyudmila Gubar, Assistant Rector (Extracurricular Work), Julietta Sekoyan, RFTA Student Council Chairperson and Viktoria Deniskina, her deputy, took part in the inter-university conference “Moscow students", an outdoor educational event for Vice-Rectors for educational work and leaders of Moscow student associations.
Date of the publication: 01/30/2019
Eight Spanish and Russian universities will form an alliance to improve academic cooperation and strengthen cultural ties between Spain and Russia. The new alliance will be the first of its kind in the history of cooperation between the two countries.
Date of the publication: 12/18/2018
On December 7-8, 2018, the interns of the legal clinic of the RFTA Dmitry Zaikin and Kirill Tyurin, 2nd year students of the International Law Department, took part in the 2nd All-Russian Conference on development of student legal clinics.
Date of the publication: 12/14/2018
On December 12, 2018, the 3rd year students of the International Law Department participated in a round table on Environmental Problems’ (“Les problemes ecologiques”) held in French.
Date of the publication: 12/11/2018
On November 30, 2018 the Russian Foreign Trade Academy of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia held an applied research conference "Eurasian Economic Union: further development strategy."
Date of the publication: 11/25/2018
On November 16-19, 2018, a series of practical trainings for lawyers 'Clinician School - 2018' took place in the Moscow region. The Academy was represented by students of the International Law Department, trainees of the legal clinic of the RFTA.
Date of the publication: 11/20/2018
On November 16, 2018, graduate students specializing in “Foreign Economic Activity in the Area of High Technologies”, within the framework of the joint educational project of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI and the RFTA, partiipated in the business game “Developing an Investment Program for Business Development”
Date of the publication: 11/13/2018
On November 12, 2018 Irina G. Gruzdeva, Deputy General Director, Insight Trust Company held a master class on “Marketing Strategies of Transnational Corporations” (using De Beers, Nike, Unilever, BMV, Cobra, etc. as an example)
Date of the publication: 11/08/2018
On October 26, 2018, the Russian Foreign Trade Academy of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia took part in the 5th meeting of the Council of Rectors / Presidents / General Directors of the Russian-French University (RFU), held in Rheims (France) on NEOMA business school campus. The head of the delegation at the meeting was Sergey Sinelnikov-Murylev, the rector of the Russian Foreign Trade Academy
Date of the publication: 10/05/2018
On October 4, 2018, the Academy hosted the first Efimov readings on the topic: “Modernity and traditions of macroeconomic forecasting and performance management” organized by the Institute for Macroeconomic Research of the RFTA of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia
Date of the publication: 09/20/2018
On September 18-19, 2018, the Ministry of Economic Development of the RF in cooperation with the Autonomous University of Chapingo (Mexico) held the fourth annual International Student Conference "Russia-Mexico Forum" in Spanish. The conference was devoted to regional development, international trade and cooperation in travel industry.
Date of the publication: 05/21/2018
A business simulation entitled "Resolution of an International Dispute under the Rules of the International Commercial Arbitration Court with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation", organized within the framework of the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum was held on May 18, 2018.
Date of the publication: 05/16/2018
11 мая прошла заключительная встреча в текущем учебном году участников научного кружка, ежегодно проводимого кафедрой менеджмента и маркетинга ВАВТ. Основная его цель состоит в формировании у студентов навыков научно-исследовательской работы. В этом году в работе кружка приняло участие 24 студента второго курса факультета внешнеторгового менеджмента.
Date of the publication: 05/14/2018
International Scientific Conference of students and post-graduate students "Modern problems of foreign economic activity management ", organized by the Department of Management and Marketing was held on April 26, 2018.