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Home About Academy All news The RFTA of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia has been accepted as a member of the Eurasian Network University (ENU).

The RFTA of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia has been accepted as a member of the Eurasian Network University (ENU).

On January 25, 2024, during a meeting of the Coordination Council of the scientific and educational consortium "Eurasian Network University," the Russian Foreign Trade Academy of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation was admitted as a participant in the ENU.

The Eurasian Network University was founded in 2022 by leading universities of the EAEU member countries. The network university model replicates similar projects created under the auspices of the SCO, CIS, and BRICS. The scientific and educational consortium includes 24 universities, with an additional 9 higher education institutions from Russia, Kazakhstan, and Transnistria being admitted as participants during the meeting on January 25.

In 2024, the organizational committee of the ENU transitioned from the State University of Management to the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization of Higher Education "University at the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Eurasian Economic Union" (St. Petersburg), where the next Coordination Council meeting took place. During the event, Rector of the University at the IPA EAEU I. Iskakov outlined plans for the development of the ENU for the year, including creating a mobility program within the ENU, establishing a digital environment for the network university, expanding the geography of the ENU by adding universities from Uzbekistan and Cuba, establishing a Center for Vocational Education, as well as improving and supporting projects and programs already underway between participants in the scientific and educational consortium, including the ENU Olympiad.

V.V. Idrisova, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs at the RFTA of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, gave a presentation online about the Academy and highlighted specific proposals for cooperation to implement joint educational programs. She invited participation in implementing the master's program "Legal Regulation of Integration Processes in the EAEU," as well as joint programs for continuing education in areas of mutual interest related to the EAEU and short programs, including summer schools. For students from universities-members of the network university, the RFTA of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia offers to conduct an Educational Online Marathon "The Art of Negotiation," where participants engage in simulated negotiation situations considering the specifics of companies' foreign economic activities.

Collaboration with the ENU will allow our students to expand their competencies in the field of foreign trade relations with EAEU countries.


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