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Russian Foreign Trade Academy
Home About Academy All news On March 9, 2023, Alessandro Salacone, the official representative of the Dante Alighieri Society in Russia, met with students of the Russian Foreign Trade Academy learning Italian.

On March 9, 2023, Alessandro Salacone, the official representative of the Dante Alighieri Society in Russia, met with students of the Russian Foreign Trade Academy learning Italian.

On March 9, 2023, Alessandro Salacone, the official representative of the Dante Alighieri Society in Russia, visited Russian Foreign TradeAcademy. The guest met with students of the Academy who learn Italian and told about the history of the Dante Alighieri Society, which is engaged in outreach of the Italian language and Italian culture in the world.

Alessandro Salacone paid special attention to “Dante Global”, the cultural and didactic platformdeveloped by the Dante Alighieri Society, which is a support to everyone who wants to start or continue learning the Italian language. He also explained how to get a PLIDA certificate (Progetto lingua Italiana Dante Alighieri), confirming knowledge of Italian as a foreign language.

After the presentation, the official representative gave detailed answers to the students' questions. After the meetingthey showed a film “Dante. Exile of the Poet" in Italian with subtitles. The event aroused a keen interest among those present. “It was very interesting and useful; we look forward to further meetings of this type!” students said.


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