On September 9, 2022, an international applied research conference "Methods of attracting investments in the development of the infrastructure potential of the regions of BRICS+ countries" was held at the Far Eastern Branch of the RFTAOn September 9, 2022, an international applied research conference"Ways to attract investment in the development of the infrastructure potential of the regions of BRICS+ countries" was heldat the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Foreign TradeAcademy of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. The conference was organized in cooperation with the Organizing Committee for preparation and holding of the International Municipal Forum of BRICS+ countries, ". Mixed format of the conference made it possible to bring together not only cities, countries, but also different continents. The conference was attended by representatives of all BRICS countries (the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Russian Federation, Republic of India, People's Republic of China, Republic of South Africa), as well as Argentina. Such format of communication has already become traditional: since 2020, the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Foreign Trade Academy of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation has been a regional platform for the international forum, within which numerous events are held with the participation of foreign partners from BRICS countries and countries applying for participation in this international organization. Today BRICS actively promotes the development of business cooperation in the economic sphere. In this context, the work of the international applied research conferenceheld in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky was carried out. Experts from BRICS+ countries shared their experience in strengthening positions aimed at building investment potential at the regional level, which is one of the most important factors in economic growth. The basis of scientific discussion was formed by the issuesrelated to - analysis of models, mechanisms and programs that influence the efficiency of the implementation of investment policy and the investment climate at the regional level; - determination of the most promising areas of infrastructure investment; - the role of collective investment in developing the potential of the region. |
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