Since February, the 3rd year students of the Faculty of Foreign Trade Management of the RFTA, together with the 3rd year students of the Istanbul Commercial University, have been participating in the COIL international project “Entrepreneurship and Future Skills in the context of Global challenges and Sustainable Development”, which is to be over in May.A new joint project is being implemented by the Academy in cooperation with the Istanbul Commercial University. About the COIL project
COIL is an international project for collaborative online learning and online interaction (synchronous or asynchronous). In international teams, students interact to find answers to the topical issues of modern society and develop intercultural communication skills. Online collaboration is organized between teachers and students from different countries and regions, and is integrated into the learning process.
This year the project has been launched by the RFTA in cooperation with the Istanbul Commercial University. In addition to student teams, the Russian Foreign Trade Academy is represented by the professors of the Academy, taking part in the project:
The main topics of the course:
What benefits students get from the project:
Students have made teams and imagine the distant future, make pictures of it, discuss their personal contribution to solving global problems, and also communicate with representatives of international companies. Theylearntoeffectivelysolvecomplextasks, thinkcreatively, criticallyandlogically.
Participant’s reference: Irina Gladysheva, 3rd year of Foreign Trade Management Department (FTMD)
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