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Home About Academy All news Students, trainees of the legal clinic, and teachers of International Law Faculty took part in the 10th International Summer School "Professional Skills of a Lawyer and Economist: the path to success"

Students, trainees of the legal clinic, and teachers of International Law Faculty took part in the 10th International Summer School "Professional Skills of a Lawyer and Economist: the path to success"

Students, trainees of the legal clinic, and teachers of International Law Faculty took part in the 10th International Summer School "Professional Skills of a Lawyer and Economist: the path to success", which was held on August 19-28, 2021 at Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

This year, more than 65 students from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Kutafin Moscow State Law University, MGIMO University, RUDN University, RFTA, HSE and other major universities in Russia, Belarus, France (27 universities in total). took part in the unique project.

The School participants underwent a two-week training in three cohorts: in Russian, in English, as well as in a group with enhanced compliance studies. Daria Shiryaeva and Elizaveta Abramova , the 4th year students of the International Law Faculty, trainees of the legal clinic of the RFTA, participated in English section. Daria Shiryaeva was recognized for her success demonstrated in learning "Fundamentals of legal reasoning".

The mentors of the School were well-known experts from such scientific and educational centers as Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Institute of State and Law (ISL) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, RFTA of the Ministry of Economic Development of the RF, Tomsk State University, Siberian Federal University, as well as Cambridge, Georgetown and Beijing universities, universities of Berkeley, Indiana, etc. The Russian Foreign Trade Academy was represented by Irina N. Lukyanova, Head of the Department of Procedural Law, Candidate of Science (Law) and G.S.Patyulin , Senior Lecturer, Department of Theory and History of State and Law


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