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Home About Academy All news On September 9, RFTA and the Center for Economic Research of the Institute of Latin America of the Russian Academy of Sciences held an international conference "Trade and Economic Cooperation with the countries of Latin America: opportunities for young entrepreneurs"

On September 9, RFTA and the Center for Economic Research of the Institute of Latin America of the Russian Academy of Sciences held an international conference "Trade and Economic Cooperation with the countries of Latin America: opportunities for young entrepreneurs"

On September 09 Russian Foreign Trade Academy of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Center for Economic Research of the Institute of Latin America of the Russian Academy of Sciences held an international conference "Trade and economic cooperation with the countries of Latin American: opportunities for young entrepreneurs." Representatives of the Center for Economic Research of the Institute of Latin America of the Russian Academy of Sciences and business representatives from Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico, and Peru spoke at the conference.

Leopoldo Calderon, representative of the Peruvian Chamber of Commerce, spoke about Russian-Peruvian trade relations. Anton Pisarenko, managing director of an export-import company in Brazil, touched upon the specifics of interaction with Brazilian companies. Daria Strimovskaya, the representative of the Mexican law firm, explained how to set up a company in Mexico. Enri José Machuca Navarro, Project Manager at RN-Exploration LLC, talked about the opportunities for Russian companies to participate in projects with Venezuelan partners.

The conference was attended by students, teachers and researchers of the Academy who asked the speakers questions about the opportunities and specificity of doing business in the countriesof Latin America.


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