The first program of the joint faculty of RFTA and TSUE was launched in TashkentThe joint faculty of Russian Foreign Trade Academy of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and Tashkent State University of Economics has started their work today. The representative of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia in Uzbekistan, IldusKhalitov, commented on the start of the training: "The leaders of Russia and Uzbekistan have set a goal to increase the volume of mutual trade to $ 30 billion. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to use in-depth knowledge and best regional practices. We hope that the studied material will be used as a basis for practical activities." The first educational program was a professional development program in the field of Foreign Economic Activity (FEA) for civil servants. It includes such topics as analysis of international markets, legal issues of foreign economic activity, customs regulation, international logistics and others. Andrey Tochin, the Director of the IDIP RFTA and the lecturer of the program, noted: "It's pleasing that the audience is very interested — this allows you to build learning in a dialogue with specific examples and immediately solve applied problems." The project was implemented within the framework of the Memorandum signed by Russian Foreign Trade Academy of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan. |
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