Dear students of RFTA! The South American Business Forum (SABF) is seeking candidates for the 19th edition of the conference!

|  | The SABF is an annual event, with all expenses covered, that brings together 100 outstanding university students from around the world with around 40 leaders from various industries, with the purpose of discussing relevant issues for the region and the world. The SABF organizing team is composed entirely of students from different majors of the InstitutoTecnolуgico de Buenos Aires (ITBA) who voluntarily dedicate their time for the realization of the conference.
This year, the conference will take place from July 28th to 30th in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
If you were born on or after January 1st, 1997, and are an undergraduate or graduate student or have completed such studies in 2022 or 2023, you are eligible to apply for the SABF! The application process must be completed by April 16th, 2023, by entering this link.
This is your chance to network with other emerging leaders from around the world while you discuss and debate current issues. Apply today and be one of the 100 participants of the South American Business Forum!
For more information, visit the website or contact the organizers at help@sabf.org.ar. |
