FOREIGN TRADE MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT (FTMD)HIGHER EDUCATION Foreign Trade Management Department offers secondary school leavers Bachelor Degree Program with concentration in International Management. Management is one of the basic tools of the market economy. Managers should have broad skills and knowledge in many areas, therefore the specificity of the educational concept at the department is a wide range of disciplines combined with interdisciplinary training. Bachelor’s Program in Management provides for deep study of courses in Management , such as Management Theory, Strategic Management, Innovation Management, Financial Management, Investment Analysis, HR Management, Marketing, Risk Management, Operation Control, Business Planning, Accounting and Analysis, etc. Depending on concentration and major, students are offered such core courses as: International Trade, Foreign Trade of the RF, Organization and Technique of Foreign Economic Operations, International Payments and Monetary Relations, Customs Regulation, Logistics in Foreign Trade, Transport System Management in FT, etc. The curriculum provides for in-depth study of two foreign languages. Students can choose from English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Arabic, Chinese languages. Students of the Department are given an opportunity to study the third foreign language (optional) on a commercial basis and to take State Examination in it. Special attention is given to intensive training in Business Language and development of such specific skills as making presentations in Foreign Language, business correspondence and negotiations in Foreign Language. Starting 2011 Bachelor Degree Programs offered by the Foreign Trade Management Department regularly pass International accreditation by the European Council for Business Education (ECBE) which proves that the programs meet the requirements of the EU Higher Education and that they are internationally recognized. Graduates of Foreign Trade Management Department are a great asset for any company involved in foreign economic activity to work in any management area.
TWO FOREIGN LANGUAGES HIGHER EDUCATION foreign trade management department (FTMD) Master Degree Program in MANAGEMENT Foreign Trade Management Department offers Master Degree Program in Management majoring in either Economics or Management combined with in-depth training in Foreign Language for those having Bachelor Degree or Specialist Diploma. Master’s Program allows students to deeper understand professional business problems, involves them in consulting, research and analytical activity, arms with the latest achievements of business theory and practice. Master Degree Program in Management offers three areas of concentration: · International Business · Legal Support of Business · Logistics in Foreign Trade Master Degree Program is based on students’ active and independent scientific and research work and provides for in-depth study of foreign languages. Learning foreign languages is a significant block of the Program. Upon completion of the Program each student defends Master’s Thesis demonstrating graduate’s ability to perform an independent research and to apply theoretical knowledge to solution of practical problems of business. In 2011 Master Degree Programs offered by the Department passed International accreditation by the European Council for Business Education which proves that the programs meet the requirements of the EU Higher Education and that they are internationally recognized. Completion of the Program offered by the Foreign Trade Management Department and award of Master Degree opens broad employment prospects before the graduates as they are in high demand with the companies, organizations and agencies involved in foreign trade.
Students enjoy the right of military service deferment in compliance with the effective law of the Russian Federation. LIST OF DISCIPLINES OFFERED AT MASTER DEGREE PROGRAM in MANAGEMENT GENERAL SCIENCE BLOCK
RUSSIAN FOREIGN TRADE ACADEMY 6A Vorobiyovskoye Highway +7 (499) 143-12-35 |
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