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Home About Academy All news The Russian Foreign Trade Academy of the Ministry of Economic Development and the Tashkent State Economic University have agreed to cooperate.

The Russian Foreign Trade Academy of the Ministry of Economic Development and the Tashkent State Economic University have agreed to cooperate.

The RussianForeign Trade Academy of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the Tashkent State Economic University signed a memorandum on institutional, academic, and scientific cooperation. The document was signed by the acting rector of the Russian Foreign Trade Academy, VittoriaIdrisova, and the rector of the Tashkent State Economic University, TulkinTeshabayev.

The memorandum provides for international academic mobility of students, faculty, and experts of the two countries, including mutual recognition of diplomas. Joint educational and scientific projects are planned, as well as the exchange of experience, practices, and educational materials.

"The signing of the memorandum is an important step towards mutual cooperation between our universities," noted VittoriaIdrisova. "We see great potential for joint educational and scientific projects and programs."
The rector of the Tashkent University, in turn, noted that interaction with Russian universities is an opportunity for the development of various areas of the economy and the deepening of foreign trade relations between Russia and Uzbekistan.

"Today, the economies of our countries are closely linked, we are building a common transport infrastructureand strengthening technological cooperationtogether. In this regard, expanding cooperation between Russia and Uzbekistan in the field of education and science is of utmost importance," emphasized TulkinTeshabayev. "The memorandum is an important document capturing our long-standing friendship."
The memorandum comes into effect from the date of its signing and is valid for five years.



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